Sep 8, 2056

Dear Sam,

I think the FMCA wanted us dead.
We played directly into the Mask's hands. It was a blood ritual, and we were only helping her by slaughtering her cronies.
Did the FMCA really think we could take the Mask on? We were so poorly informed on her abilities, and everyone acted like we could do it. Why did they let us, knowing we'd almost definitely be massacred?

We got out, but we were suffering bad. We lost Lukas, North and Stripes had been temporarily mind controlled, and three of us were on the verge of dying.

I know the FMCA had previously been... weird, with us, despite us being nothing but helpful. Really, what did they have to gain by fucking us over? After all we'd done for them, following their orders? What could've created bad blood, or soured our reputation with them, and why did they never tell us?
I'm going to chalk it up to human greed. The same thing that caused their downfall in my reality. Their need for more.

The Mask severely wounded me and a few others. She... grabbed my hearts through my chest and just squeezed. I'm lucky I don't need them to live, but... it's really rattled me.
After a long set of surgeries, I'm mostly back up and kicking now. I still need to kind of take it easy.
After being spit out in the woods on that French guy's home planet, we got picked up by Percy on an airship. Yeah, that Percy. He's from really far in his world's future now, and he basically forgot all about the Saturno.

Sadly I am back headfirst into where I left off, though. Castle had posted some information, but... part of it just wasn't right. The outright lies we've been told. I caved, and I had to tell him everything that was being hidden from us. He said he'd talk to Percy about it, but...
I know you said not to trust Castle. And I don't. He's hotheaded and thinks he's tough shit, and I've told him as much. Sometimes his need to be the leader is a good thing, though, and while he's absolutely not the best for this situation, he's my only option.
But I don't trust him with secrets, and maybe telling him was a mistake. I'm risking my life doing this. I think he's already blown it, too. So fast as well, but I guess I'll see.

This might end in a bloodbath at each other's hands. I should've told Lombardi...

My CQ-80 is still updating sometimes, even separated from my reality and mostly broken the way it is. Somehow, it's updated not just to tell me it's Fest season, but... I've gotten all the Fest data, basically. This one's big, and decisive. And we're missing it. Something that could change our very culture and lives. I know most wouldn't understand the importance of these larger Fests, but... it's worldchanging.
It hurts me to my core that Mantle will see this Fest without me, and that I have to miss out on something so grand. I can only hope she's thinking of me, the way I'm thinking of her.
There is no time like the present.

We're currently stationed in a town called New College, under Percy's watch. North is thankfully doing alright, so it seems, and I'm keeping an eye on Jason and Cain. Jason really got tuckered out having to do so much work to get those of us who were wounded back on our feet.
... I'm just really tired. I don't have the energy to deal with much right now, and I'm getting really depressed. Sorta swinging back and forth between my typical attitude and depression.

Stay fresh,



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