Aug 24, 2056

Dear Sam,

I'm still alive, somehow. Shying away from everyone isn't really how I wanted this to go, but it's how it's panning out.
This is a hell of a burden to carry. I'm not sure how everything is clearer and foggier at the same time, but it is. I keep regretting ever asking. Days I'd wish I'd never been awake to hear what I heard.
Never uncovered so much worse.
Ripley would never believe me if I told her.

I feel it's my duty now to play protector. To not allow this to ever happen again. I will not let them take advantage of someone's weakness ever again. I fear it's the only justice we'll ever get.

One of our new members explained to me what a templar was, the title Graccus had been referring to me as shortly before Tokyo. They uphold order, and I was told it was very high praise. I know the senses of order in their world and mine are likely vastly different, but I think it still fits.
Order in my world is an ideal I've always tried to uphold. The Splatpocalypse was a lot more than a normal Splatfest; it was meant to shape our world's future. Unlike Splatfests before it, it was about philosophy and ideals. Who we wanted to become.
Order was defeated, but it came to shape our lives in major ways. Nearly every sanitized agreed- it was Order we wanted.
Even here, I want to uphold that tenant.

Enough with my philosophing though. If that's a word, I dunno.

We maybe have a lead on getting home. From what I've heard, we found a particularly smart talking horse who has a device that can take us to other worlds, given we know the coordinates. It's broken, though.
It's not like any of us know the coordinates to our home worlds anyway... So this all might be a dead end.

My last encounter with Halsey didn't go well. I'm not gonna go out on snack runs anymore, I guess.
I guess he's right about me though. I'm just playing victim. So hard I've convinced even myself it's true, it seems.
It really just made things worse. He left a puddle of eyes in his wake. It made me sick. Most of them retreated when I took a swing, though. I don't think Weiss or Klausia could see them.

They're everywhere though, and no matter what I do or where I move they keep popping up. A constant reminder, driving me to constant paranoia.
My every word. My every movement. My every thought. Like they know, they know, they know.
I worry this is a secret I'm going to end up taking to my grave. And then it'll happen again.

Something snapped again in me yesterday. I'm not sure what got into my head, but whatever it was, it was in Cain's too, I'm pretty sure. We mutilated a Gou'ald, before the gate came down and I was swiftly filled with machine gun fire.
We're in the medbay. Cain ended up losing their legs while I was out. When I came to and regathered my senses, I dragged Cain out of there. They're in worse shape than I am. Bioresonant healing alone isn't enough to cut these things.
The Eules called me a block of ballistics gel. It was kind of funny.

I've been staying by Cain and Jason's sides since we got back to travelling, and it's eased the nerves some. They may not be the hivemind, but I feel a little better being around them. There's less prying eyes trying to get at me.

I hope Leftist is doing fine down there. Kind of miss him right now, since I'd love to get the peppered bullet holes in the Null fixed, but I'm sure I'll find someone else to do that. Or I'll do it myself when I get out of the bay, just need to find leftover armor with the right texture and thickness and graft it back on.

I really still wonder what more is being hidden from us. I'm not sure how it can get worse, though.
You know, we're out here to kill the Mask. Somehow, they expected us, knew we were coming. It'd been suggested earlier by Kolibri (I think) that there's someone in our group that is a cultist, or in the very least feeding information to the Mask's cult and her Gou'ald. I don't want to push accusations, like anyone would take me seriously anyway, but this timing is awfully conveinent. I'm sure you can draw the similarities here. Or maybe I'm just a crazed octo with red string all over a cork bulletin board, the way I was with Coco.

I still feel like no one here wants me around. I'm only causing trouble. The others seem to peel out of my way. I have a few who don't mind me, but it still stings. I've always been an outsider to this group. I'm just cementing my place.
I guess Castle was right.

Stay fresh,



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